Caballito de Totora Surfing

Did you know that 3.000 years ago people from northern Peru started surfing with tiny boats made of reed?
Exactly, the Caballitos de Totora are one of the oldest boats in the World and probably the first surf boards.
Have you ever dreamed about surfing? imagine making it truth on an ancestral surfboard. you could learn surfing anywhere in the World, but not on this Caballito de Totora.

Place: Huanchaco

Duration: 1 hour

Price:  94 PEN (Adult)
            29 USD 
- Caballito de Totora (board)
- Surf Lesson
- Wetsuit  

What to Bring? :
- Sunscreen
- Swinsuit
- Tower

You could be interested in : Surfing Lessons

*It is important to book in advance at least the 24 hours previous.
*Prices shown above are representative.
*Dates, times and prices are subject to change and may not be available.